Programas de rehabilitación terapéutica

Discover the physioterapy rehabilitation programmes of Castilla Termal Hotels
Programas de rehabilitación terapéutica

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Therapy that brings together a deep massage of the muscles with anti-inflammatory properties, under a shower of mineral-medicinal water.

Main part of manual therapy and osteopathy as well as complementary techniques (cryotherapy, thermotherapy, ultrasound, electrotherapy, neuromuscular and functional bandages, mobilizations (kinesitherapy) with ballasts, elastic bands and invasive physiotherapy.

We use the aquatic environment to perform manipulations or exercises with sustained slow mobilization. In this way, we improve the range of motion by reducing joint overload.

Mobilization, proprioceptive exercises and stretching to provide the patient with greater motor control.

Hot plate made up of paraffin, black mud and volcanic ash with great anti-inflammatory powers, because as it is a dry clay, the skin absorbs more heat and the properties of its components.

A local wrap that acts as to sweep away free radicals responsible for inflammatory or degenerative processes.

Whirlpool baths with 180 pressure points, to relax the muscles, helping us to stimulate the organic, endocrine and metabolic functions to improve different pathologies.  They can be set with hot or cold water depending on the patient's needs.

A 2/3 bar pressure jet of mineral-medicinal water is applied by a therapist to help relieve muscle strain and improve injuries.

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